学生和游客可免费停车! 白线空间被指定为空闲空间 为参观我们校园的任何人提供停车位. 黄线为网赌正规真人实体在线平台保留 购买停车许可证的员工. 查看校园地图 停车选择.
网赌正规真人实体在线平台 is proud to partner with 本顿富兰克林运输公司 to offer all current 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 students 员工免费乘车. 需要搭车去学校? 上班有困难? Just show your 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 ID with the current quarter sticker for free rides on BFT连接 并提供所有路线 本顿富兰克林运输公司.
Go to bft.org 用于系统映射、调度等
致电客户服务: (509) 735-5100 帮你计划行程
BFT连接 is ideal for riders whose starting locations or destinations are too far from a bus stop. 点击这里 了解更多. -
Did you know 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 has designated carpool spots for those who share a ride to campus? Stop by the Security Office in the V建筑 to pick up the Carpool Parking Permit 申请或按 here 查看完整的规章制度列表.
Bike lockers are available for those wishing to secure their bicycle and belongings 在校园里. If you wish to reserve a bike locker, you can find the application here or at the 校园安全 office located in the V建筑. 自行车停放架 可在校园内使用.
需要充电吗?? The 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 帕斯科校园 has two 电动汽车充电 outlets available outside the CTE building. Charging is free, but you’ll need to bring your own Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE).
引用 will be issued for violating of any of the below regulations.
- Do not operate a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
- Do not operate a motor vehicle in an unsafe or dangerous manner.
- Do not operate a vehicle in a restricted or closed area.
- Do not park or operate a motor vehicle in any unpaved or landscaped area.
- Student or general parking is identified by WHITE striped lines on all paved parking lots. Parked vehicles must be completely within the white lines, no parking in paved 白线以内的地段除外.
- Parking spaces with YELLOW striping are reserved for employees with 只允许. 任何时候都不允许学生或访客停车.
- Do not park in a manner that obstructs traffic or blocks a fire access lane.
- No vehicles may be parked outside of designated parking lots. 街道禁止停车.
- Do not park in any space marked “service vehicles only”.
- Do not park or leave a vehicle unattended in a “no parking” zone or along a red curb.
- Visitor parking north of the H Building is reserved for temporary guests to conduct business. 任何时候都不允许学生停车.
- Carpool parking reserved for two or more carpool permits. 许可证必须显示 on dash. $30 fine.
- Parking at the CTE Building is limited to those vehicles currently being worked on 商店学生和有许可证的员工. 不允许其他地方停车.
- Parking in the south A Building loop is limited to 15 minutes.
- Do not violate any State of Washington vehicle code provision.
- Washington State Certified Vehicles may use handicap space only when handicapped passenger 车辆停放时是否在场.
- Special permit required for Richland Federal Building Parking Lot.
- Sunhawk Hall parking is reserved for student tenants and guests with valid parking 只允许.
- Do not abandon a motor vehicle or parts of a vehicle on campus property. 经过五 days, the motor vehicle or parts will be considered abandoned and will be towed at 船东费用.
- All vehicles shall follow traffic arrows and other markings established for the purpose 指挥校园交通.
- In areas marked for diagonal parking, vehicles shall be parked at a 45-degree angle 车头朝里.
- No vehicle shall be parked so as to occupy any portion of more than one parking space 或在指定的停车区内停车. 事实上,其他车辆可能 been so parked as to require the vehicle parked to occupy a portion of more than one space or stall shall not constitute an excuse for a violation of this section.
- Motor vehicle operation and parking regulations shall be in force during the hours 早上6点到晚上10点.
校园安全 has been delegated the responsibility of motor vehicle and parking 执行. Parking violations may warrant the issuance of a warning, summons or 停车的引用. More information about parking fines is located in the 停车罚款政策. 罚款可以在霍克中心支付. 不支付停车罚单将导致罚款 in grades and transcripts being withheld and registration for the following quarter 除非付款,否则拒绝.
If you have been issued a citation and you believe this 发布 in error, you have the option to file an initial appeal within five business days from the date the citation 发布.
A 停车的引用 may be overturned for two reasons:
- There is substantial evidence that a violation was not committed for which the citation 发布; or
- A violation was committed, but circumstances were not under your control; and
- Prior to being issued the citation, you made some demonstrable attempt to notify Campus Security; or
- You can produce written verification from a source who was a party to the situation establishing that the situation was so unusual it cannot reasonably occur again.
- 对规章制度缺乏了解
- 健忘
- 短期停车
- 找不到授权的停车位
- 未能取得临时许可证
- 不注意停车标志
- 没有出示停车许可证
- 不同意或无力支付罚款
- 从未收到罚单
- Unable to find an available parking spot (full lots)
- 使用闪烁的危险灯
- 有人在用你的车
- Having a co-worker or friend say it's ok to park there
- 迟到了
- 恶劣天气
- Inability to park legally due to other vehicles being parked illegally
- Describe the facts of the matter including when, where, how and/or why the incident occurred.
- If extenuating circumstances are the basis for your appeal, supporting documentation 必须包含(e.g., accident reports, medical records, auto repair bills).
- Enclose a photograph, map or diagram of the parking space in question if you believe it will help the Citation Review Committee understand the basis of your appeal.
- Explain how your action did not constitute a violation by applying the parking regulation 对你们所讨论的事实有疑问.